Can You Actually Fail A Personality Quiz?

Written by Brian Fong

Q. I didn't get a job that I interviewed for. The employer told me that I had "failed"repparttar personality quiz. How is that possible? Does this mean that I have no personality?

A. "Fail" is a pretty strong word when it comes to taking a personality quiz. In fact, it is so strong that it makes me wonder aboutrepparttar 106921 professionalism ofrepparttar 106922 potential employer that administeredrepparttar 106923 personality quiz to you.

There is no pass/fail in a personality quiz; especially an employment personality quiz. There are simply factors that are important torepparttar 106924 employer that either are, or are not, present in your personality.

To say that you "failed"repparttar 106925 personality quiz is a misnomer. You simply did not have some personality traits thatrepparttar 106926 employer deemed important forrepparttar 106927 particular job that you applied for.

Other thanrepparttar 106928 fact that they insulted you, they probably did you a favor by giving you that personality quiz. By screening you out based upon a certain personality profile, they saved you from accepting a job that you would probably have ended up hating and leaving after a short while.

A personality quiz is an interesting animal. There are actually many different types. You've already encountered a pre-employment personality quiz, but that's notrepparttar 106929 only type out there.

Before we go off intorepparttar 106930 subject of a personality quiz, it's important that we agree uponrepparttar 106931 definition ofrepparttar 106932 term personality. Let's keep it short:

Your personality consists of allrepparttar 106933 traits and behaviours that make you unique and that determine how you are likely to act in any given situation.

Given that this definition is true, then a personality quiz is designed to measure those traits and to quantify them into some meaningful profile that enables someone to predict how you will behave.

Is that really possible? Yes, in most instances it is possible to accurately how someone is LIKELY to behave under a given set of circumstances. The key word here is LIKELY. We've all seen or read about people who have exhibited extraordinary acts of heroism who were otherwise thought of as a most unlikely hero due to being timid, shy, young, or whatever.

Should You Make A Career Decision Based Upon A Career Quiz?

Written by Brian Fong

Q. I'm about to graduate High School and I don't know what I want to be "when I grow up". Do you think that a career quiz might help me decide?

A. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! But maybe not forrepparttar reasons that you think. You see, asrepparttar 106920 great Quizmaster, I've found one thing to be true: A career quiz, or any quiz for that matter, is always biased towardsrepparttar 106921 thoughts and belief's ofrepparttar 106922 person who wrote it.

Usually a career quiz is written for entertainment purposes only. Now, if you are calling it a career quiz, but you really mean some sort of standardized occupational guidance test like professional career counsellors andrepparttar 106923 military use, then those are typically valid assessments of your career capabilities.

However, since you are askingrepparttar 106924 question here, and I am definitely not a career counsellor, then I'm going to assume that you are talking about your run-of-the-mill career quiz likerepparttar 106925 type that you find in typical magazines and on a variety of general audience web sites.

So,repparttar 106926 reason that I said "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes" is because anything that gets someone thinking about career options is a good thing. A well-written career quiz hasrepparttar 106927 effect of causing you to brainstorm over your career options. What you want to be "when you grow up" may be a moving target for you. Most people evolve as they mature and their goals change. What sounds like a good idea now may be far away from what you will eventually become. However, as I said, a career quiz gets you thinking and that's a start!

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